Calgary’s ASTRA Restorations specializes in asbestos abatement. Our certified technicians test for and remove asbestos from your home or workplace property. We’re here to make your Calgary property safe.
ASTRA Restorations stresses the importance of asbestos awareness. Asbestos is a highly dangerous material that poses a health risk to you, your family, and your employees. It poses an even greater risk once handled.
Handling asbestos materials releases asbestos fibres into the air where they are inhaled and then lodged in lungs. Even a small asbestos exposure can lead to life-threatening and long-term diseases, including lung cancer. As such, Asbestos removal should only be performed by qualified and properly equipped contractors trained in the dangers of handling asbestos.
All employees working at an asbestos removal site must successfully complete an asbestos-abatement course approved of and required by Alberta Human Resources and Employment. Asbestos-worker cards confirm workers’ completion of this program.
While small asbestos removals or replacements may be done by trained employees or contract insulators, larger jobs, especially those involving sprayed-on asbestos, can only be done by experienced and specialized contractors.
Calgary’s ASTRA Restorations has certified technicians to handle all asbestos abatements. We employ highly trained and certified technicians. We have the expertise, experience, training, equipment, and protocols to safely and effectively test for and abate asbestos in your home or workplace.
We work efficiently with in-depth knowledge to make your property safe. We ensure the safety of you, your family, and your employees. If you suspect asbestos in your Calgary home, contact ASTRA Restorations now. We’re here to make your property safe.